Experience is not more important than deliberate practice. Your deliberate practice make your experience unique. With out experience, practice is just the heart of your portfolio-but with out dedicated practice, experience is just another sales pitch.
Experience will saturate after a certain period of time. A bucket of water will overflow when full. It is not possible to magnetize an iron rod beyond a certain limit ( saturation point). Dedicated practice on the other hand is a lifelong pursuit. It needs intense concentration and deep motivation ( self generated). Arjuna’s deliberate practice, purity and kindness made him Krishna’s friend. Arjuna dedicated his life for Archery.. He practiced ( blind practicing) archery during Night also. Arjuna’s deliberate practice establish the fact that deliberate practice is more effective than experience alone.
The only way you can conquer Lord Krishna is through dedication in your work ( Karma yoga with the body and spiritual dharma with the mind ) and there he will be gladly conquered ( BG 3 : 30)
Dedicated practice is a change of phase . In an analogy, energy required to change the phase of water to vapour from liquid is 540 times the amount of energy need to raise the same amount of water 1 degree celcius. That extra energy is the dedicated practice.