Sadness, Fear and Anxiety are common issues that have become more prevalent in recent years. Dopamine and Serotonin plays a major factor in development of these maladies. Brain releases more dopamine and serotonin on Mantra Chanting just like medications can.
The Sudarshan Chakra Mantra can alleviate one’s stress and anxiety or depression.
Sudarshan Chakra (discus) is symbolic representation of divine power of Lord Krishna (Vishnu) in and of itself. Sudarshan Chakra radiates with divine energy of Lord Krishna ( Vishnu) offering protection and blessings to its devotees.
Defeating Sudarshan Chakra is impossible. If Sudarshan Chakra comes out of Lord Krishna’s (Vishnu) finger, it can never be stopped by any other Lord or by any other weapon except Lord Krishna (Vishnu). In a Climactic moment Krishna used it to conceal the Sun to create an illusion of Sunset during the battle. As per Vedic sage Parashara , Sudarshan Chakra is not only a powerful weapon but it also contains complete astrological information enabling one to make predictions about the past, present and future.
If both Moon and Mercury is associated with Malefics or hemmed in between Malefics or is afflicted by aspect from Malefics, this indicates mental weakness, anxiety or depression etc
Even if Moon and Mercury are free from evil associations or aspects in the Horoscope, they might be receiving the Malefic aspects of Rahu,Ketu and Saturn in Gochara Transit. That is the reason why, every one of us is subject to “moods”
Moon is the Mind of Kalapurusha and Saturn is responsible for Sadness. If Moon is afflicted by Saturn , the person will feel melancholic specially so when the moon is occupying the sign of Saturn or when Moon is debilitated.
He thinks he is no good for the world, that nobody is his friend, and that he is unfit for any work. He is always gloomy and grave. These are the characteristic features of a Melancholic Person. The severity of the symptoms depends upon the severity of the affliction to the Moon and Mercury.